Support the Cluny Project

Cluny is a project currently operating as part of The Catholic University of America, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your tax-deductible contribution will help us continue to advance our mission. Our work is only possible because of the generosity of our supporters. Thank you for the consideration of your support.

Electronic Donations

Electronic payment donations of U.S. dollars will be available soon through DonorBox.

If you are interested in discussing planned giving or a larger gift opportunity (over $10,000), please contact Luke Burgis at

Donate by Mail

Checks may be made out to "The Catholic University of America" and mailed to:

Catholic University Office of Gift Acceptance
Fr. O'Connell Hall East
620 Michigan Avenue
Washington, DC 20064
Attention: Katie Garcey

Be sure to note "The Cluny Project" in the memo of your check so that it is credited to this venture.

Donate Appreciated Securities

Donors must indicate to their institutions that they are sending securities as a gift to the Foundation for American Innovation (A Non-Profit with an IRS designation of 501(C)(3)).

For instructions on donating securities to the Cluny Project, please contact John Schumaker at

Donate Cryptocurrencies

If you are interested in donating cryptocurrencies to advance our mission, please contact John Schumaker at